My Happiness Commandments

I'm a champion list-maker. I find the process of writing something down, doing it, and checking it off so incredibly satisfying. What I don't enjoy, however, is that for every item I complete, three more seem to take its place. And there are only so many hours in a day. And I'm just one person. And . . . and . . . well, all that doing gets exhausting.

Ironically, for a good two-plus years, my someday-maybe list has included "draft my own happiness commandments, a la Gretchen Rubin." (It's amazing how many fun, meaningful things on the someday-maybe list get brushed aside in favor of practical, boring things--like laundry and taxes--isn't it?)

Fast forward to today: I finally made the time to create my happiness commandments list. What I love most about this exercise is that there isn't a single task in sight. Everything on the happiness commandments list is meant to stay on this list. To-bes, not to-dos. And while I do love drawing a line through all those completed tasks, I'm quite alright with letting these 12 items stand.

So, without further ado . . . my list.

  1. Everything counts.
  2. You don't have to. You get to.
  3. Invest in love--and invest in life. (And vice versa.)
  4. Quality not quantity.
  5. Great--not just good.
  6. Avoid crinkly things.
  7. Just do it.
  8. No apologies, no regrets.
  9. Rest your head.
  10. Everything is a miracle.
  11. Flap your wings.
  12. Foresake comparison.

Like Lucy, there's some 'splainin to do on each of these. But for now, I can say that I've written my happinesss commandments--and cross that off of my to-do list.


©2012 Good Karma Housekeeping. Because making lists--on heavy weight, wide-ruled paper with a fine point Sharpie pen (preferably blue)--makes me happy. (Photo by donireewalker via Creative Commons.)



Playlist: Just Purr and Sing Along

[youtube]Lhop9Pd4xfQ[/youtube] Ah, the Meow Meow Lullaby. Such a silly, simple, sweet song. Makes me smile every time I hear it. Reminds me of my own little fella . . .

Definitely an atypical tune from Nada Surf. Most of the videos out there for the song are of some scrappy concert footage, tots and tweens giving it a go, and slideshows cobbled together from Google images. The link above was the best of the bunch. Be sure to listen close to the end of the song. Melts the ol’ heart.

* * *

I stumbled across this blog post, On Losing a Beloved Pet, from Christine Kane last summer and promptly bookmarked it—after reading it twice and shedding a few tears, of course.

It’s about guilt and second guessing and knowing (or not knowing) when “it’s time.” It’s about life and the gift of time, surrender and experiencing the release of this furry being you treasure.

If you’re a pet parent, bookmark it. If you have friends who are pet parents, bookmark it for them. The wisdom runs deep. In the meantime, just purr and sing along . . .

_________________________________________________________________________ © 2010 Good Karma Housekeeping. Because I wholeheartedly believe that pets are the secret to having a happy home.