This Thing I Love: The PS22 Chorus

*swoooon* [youtube] OKPC-T3jjRg[/youtube]

Have you heard about these kids? The PS22 Chorus is a group of fifth graders from a public school in Staten Island, NY. Their ebullient teacher, Gregg Breinberg, encouraged the school to let him start a chorus back in 2000—despite previous financial cutbacks to the arts. Fueled by a whole lot of heart and moxie, Breinberg launched a program that is nothing short of remarkable.

Mr. B., as he’s known, has introduced these kids to an unexpected repertoire: Tori Amos b-sides, haunting melodies from Bjork, iconic ’80s tunes, and big hits from artists like Lady Gaga and Coldplay. Sophisticated lyrics, but there’s something about the kids’ renditions that showcases their innocence and pure potential—and makes you want to write a huge check to the Save the Music Foundation.

So inspiring!

Not to mention, I just adore their Peanuts character dance moves.

[youtube] h0FPZolbYns[/youtube]

Check out all of the PS22 videos (there are hundreds more just as cool as these) at

_________________________________________________________________________ © 2010 Good Karma Housekeeping. Because even though I believe the children are our future--I don't need to hear them sing any Whitney. That would be whack.