I still believe that less is more. But sometime less is, well, less.
But "less" and "more" are not apples to apples. It's more like apples to rambutans. Or apples to kangaroo jerky. (Not that I've ever tried kangaroo jerky. Or a rambutan for that matter.)
I've written less, but I've worked more.
I've written less, but I've baked and cooked a lot more.
I've written less, but I've read more.
I've written less, but I've watched more HGTV. And TLC. Bravo, too. (Darn Housewives and their over the top, un-relatable melodramas.)
Less and more. Apples and rambutans. Writing and working and everything else. They need not be exclusive. They can not be exclusive. There's room for it all.
It's about balance. Taking a million (or more) teeny, tiny steps in the right direction. Saying no to the good--in order to make room for the great.
Oldest lesson in the book? Almost. Am I willing to give it another run? You bet.
_________________________________________________________________________ © 2012 Good Karma Housekeeping. Because Rome wasn't built in a day, ya know? (Photo by semuthutan via Creative Commons.)