One of my least favorite topics of conversation is the weather--only because it's usually riddled with complaints. Too hot, too cold, too sunny, too grey. I do my best to avoid ganging up on Mother Nature, even though she can be a tempramental lady sometimes. Occasionally though, she's a saint--delivering us an unexpected, gorgeous day.
Today was 72 degrees and sunny. Today. December 3. In New England. Oh, Mother Nature, I could kiss you for this unexpected treat. I (almost) don't care what tomorrow brings. Or the next day. Those torrential downpours this morning on the dog walk are a distant memory. Because today I ate my lunch outside. In a short sleeve shirt.
New England: this is why I love you!
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilirating; there really is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." --John Ruskin
_________________________________________________________________________ © 2009 Good Karma Housekeeping. Making the space--mentally and physically--to live happily ever after . . . no matter the weather forecast. (Photo by David L. Ryan/Boston Globe staff.)