Fiber flakes or multigrain squares? Black skirt or black pants? Bus or drive? Highway or back roads? Lunch break or eat at my desk? Yoga class or sleep in? Cone or cup? Reply or wait? Golden cake or red velvet? Make dinner or munch on cheese and crackers? Buy the sweater or make do with what I have? Veg out or write? Bring the camera or enjoy being unencumbered?
My days are filled with decisions, most of which are small potatoes. Yet I can weigh their pros and cons endlessly—as if my entire future rides on this one moment. Are the eggs cage-free? Did I wear the black pants on Tuesday? Do they use beet juice or red food coloring? It’s exhausting being me!
I know better. I really do. And I trust myself enough to know that any option I’m weighing has got to be pretty darn good.
So here, as a note to myself—and perhaps you, too—is my very own refresher course on decision making.
Step one:
- Just do it.
That’s it. Pick one option and run with it. Embrace it fully. Don’t look back. Go!
Thinking should inspire doing, not get in the way of it. These daily decisions are an opportunity to practice taking conscious action.
_________________________________________________________________________ © 2010 Good Karma Housekeeping. Because less deliberating means more time for fun things. Or productive things. Or naps. Naps are good. (Photo by thesleepydumpling via Creative Commons.)