Quotation: On Happiness . . .

200905-omag-blowing-bubbles-220x312 Today was the perfect lazy Saturday. The pouring rain, chilly temperature, and dark sky all beckoning me to hunker in on the couch with a pot of tea and a new magazine. And that's exactly what I did. Me and my May issue of O magazine. Cover to cover. A good three hours.

I bookmarked page 171 because I came across this quote that perfectly captures the spirit of good karma housekeeping:

"The essence of happiness is that feeling of engagement with the world and with other people."

Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes.

There's plenty of room in my memory for experiences--but my closets, drawers, shelves, and cabinets just can't take on any more stuff.

Maybe it's part of growing up, or maybe it's just me realizing that the people in my life aren't always going to be here, but I'll take a great time over a great sweater any day. . .

> Read the article, What Really Makes People Happy, on oprah.com.

_________________________________________________________________________ © 2009 Good Karma Housekeeping. Making the space--mentally and physically--to live happily ever after. (Photo (c) 2009 Jupiterimages Corporation)